Party management

In party management you can add, edit, merge and delete parties. To do this you need admin or editor licence with “can manage parties” permission.



You can find party management on the left side panel, click on icon “Parties”.

  • Sort parties by name, ID or by number of contracts.
  • Use search to find parties.
  • To create a new party, simply click on + ADD PARTY and add party name and id, then click save.
  • To edit a party, just click on it or open menu ••• and “Edit party”.zefort search sort create parties
  • View contracts of selected party: choose party and click “Show contracts”.
  • You can also merge parties:
    1. click the instances you want to merge, click “Merge” and give party details. You can use the data of existing party or add new name and id for the new merged party.
    2. Click save to complete merge.
      zefort merge parties