All-in-one contract management solution

Take control of your contracts’ lifecycle with Zefort’s easy-to-use contract management software.

Zefort full CLM

Get eSignatures anytime, anywhere

Signed document

Legally binding eSignatures

Zefort Sign’s basic and strong eSignatures are fully compliant with EU’s eIDAS digital identification regulation and provide a secure, legally binding method to sign documents online.

Smooth eSign experience for your customers

Your customers can sign documents whenever and wherever - all they need is an email address. You get notified when all signatures are in and the signed document gets automatically archived.

Connect with your preferred eSign service

Zefort integrates easily with all leading eSignature services. Get signatures with the tool you prefer and store the signed documents automatically and securely.

Keep contracts organized

Zefort contract view with activity view in focus

Home for all contracts

Get a single, sustainable and secure archive for all contracts and related documents.

Automated reminders

Set up automatic reminders for important contractual events.

Automatic AI processing

Let our AI pick up contract metadata and index the uploaded documents.

Upload with single email

Save any contracts, related files and entire conversations by simply emailing them to Zefort – or uploading them from your computer.

Dashboards & calendar

View all open contract activities from a dashboard or through a calendar view.

Binders and visual browsing

Add contracts to the right binders automatically and browse them easily.

Find and share with confidence

Use powerful filters to narrow down search results and browse direct text matches within contracts.

Advanced filters

Set up powerful filters to narrow down search results and browse direct text matches within contracts.

Powerful user management

Manage access and permissions to contracts on a document or binder level.

Saved searches

Use saved searches and dynamic filters to repeat more complex searches quickly.

Documents always up-to-date

Save a master copy of the contract and stop having outdated copies around the organization.

Similar search

Find similar contracts with an AI-powered search feature.

Safe sharing

Single sign-on (SSO) and IP / email whitelisting allow you to manage access for your organization and your partners.

A team player


Ready-made integrations

Connect Zefort with leading eSignature services, ChatGPT and other systems in just seconds. No coding required.

Zapier support

Automate data flow to and from Zefort and trigger events with Zapier workflows. Again, no coding required.

Developer APIs

Perform virtually any UI action through API and move data freely and securely between Zefort and your system. Coding required (with support resources readily available).

Safe and sound


AES256 encryption

All data is encrypted using at least AES256 level encryption. In addition, we secure all server-to-server communication.

ISO 27001 Certified

Zefort is ISO 27001 certified and we apply strict security requirements to all our 3rd party vendors as well.

Two-factor authentication

All privileged access requires two-factor authentication (2FA).

Separate access log system

All access logs are sent to a separate read-only system.

Data export available

Your data can be exported from Zefort if you want to stop using our service.

All data hosted within the EU

Our data centers are located within the EU, making Zefort fully GDPR compliant.

We wanted the most modern solution in the market and a partner that matches our strategy. Zefort quickly started to feel like a company that we really want to work with.

Save time and effort

Find the right contract instantly and share them between different stakeholders.

Get all contracts and related documents into one place

Always know where to find the contract you need. Get a single, sustainable and secure place for all contracts and related documents, such as emails.

Never miss a deadline again

Automate your work and get reminders of important contractual dates.

Become the master of contract management

Get on top of your contracts and remove all extra effort from signing, storing, and managing contracts. Use our modern tools to become the master of contract management.

Zefort contract view with activity view in focus

Get started
with Zefort