Contract Challenges #2 – Contract data is all over the place

This is the second part of our Contract Challenges blog series – check out the first part!

Where do you store contract-related content – appendices, notes and emails? Many organizations get this wrong – don’t be among them!

Contracts are typically much more than just the signed contract document. What else is there?

Most contracts have some appendices. Then there are amendments. However, have you thought about emails and notes?

In many cases there is a lot of e-mail correspondence related to a contract: before signing you may have discussed how certain clauses are interpreted in a specific case. After signing, you might agree subscribing to some additional options with e-mail. Or you might get a notification of a price increase. Or a written termination of the contract. All these emails should be easily accessible in the same location with the contract documents – ideally by your entire team!

The list goes on: what about contract-related notes? Or working files related to the contract, such as an Excel calculation used in pricing or the original Word template used to create this contract?

A common problem is that all contract-related content is not stored in the same place. Staying on top of contracts requires that all information is accessible – this means that important documents and emails that are connected to the contract need to be managed and found when needed.

How does Zefort solve this challenge?

In Zefort, you can easily store appendices, amendments, emails, working files and notes with the contract. Check out the video to see how easy it is to add an email along with its attachments!

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