Zefort DocuSign integration

DocuSign Integration lets you send signed contracts to Zefort’s AI-powered contract archive.

Zefort repository view

Easy archival

More control & visibility into your contract base

Zefort for DocuSign provides easy access to the relevant contracts for your entire staff. Use Single-Sign-On and versatile access control features to make sure everyone can securely access the contracts they need to from any device.

Zefort Main Logo


Designed for easy integration

Created to suit the needs of legal teams, sales departments, and procurement alike, Zefort adds value to your current processes by making sure contracts are not forgotten. Share contracts to the people you choose, allow decision makers to review reports and insights, and ensure follow-up activities are taken care of.

Configure easily

Easy to configure and customize

Zefort for DocuSign is a built-in integration and requires no costly IT project to take into use. Zefort is a contract management platform designed and built for flexibility. For further integrations with other business processes, Zefort ships a complete set of APIs along with documentation.



Contract management is a team sport

You have an existing contract management process? Perfect. Zefort provides ready-made integration options, Zapier support and flexible APIs that allow your data to flow freely. We’re here to boost your processes, not hijack them.

Frequently asked questions

Get DocuSign integration

DocuSign integration lets you send your  signed contracts to Zefort.