
Zefort and Sympa HR integration

Send e-signature requests directly from Sympa HR using Zefort Sign. Start right away with your existing Zefort account or contact us to get set up in minutes.

Automatic signing process

Get e-signatures for any HR document

In Sympa HR, simply select a document and send it for signing. Zefort Sign takes care of the rest – automating the entire e-signature process. You can track the signing status directly in Sympa and receive a notification as soon as all signatures are completed.

sympa integration
zefort sign

Information security and identification

Secure and compliant e-signatures

Zefort Sign offers a secure and reliable electronic signing solution with bank-level protection. Choose between Basic authentication via email or SMS, or Advanced authentication using online bank identification – fully compliant with EU regulations.

Want to know more?

Start signing with ease today

Already using Zefort and Zefort Sign? Great – you can activate the Sympa integration right away.

New to Zefort or need help setting things up? Get in touch and we’ll help you get started.