What’s new 18.12.2018 – Default binder and contract emails
Do you regularly add contracts to one specific binder? Wouldn’t it be great if Zefort could automatically add all contracts you upload to that binder?
We thought so—now each user can set a default binder in user settings
→ My settings → Default Binder for New Contracts
Often contract related issues are discussed in e-mail dialogue (for example: contract is terminated with an e-mail notification). Those e-mails should be part of the contract in question and easy to find when need be.
You guessed it: yes, now you can simply forward e-mails to a specific contract. A specific e-mail address and all forwarded e-mails can be found on contract’s Files & Emails tab (previously known as the Files tab)
On contract desktop, you can now switch between original Thumbnail view and new List view.