Using search in Zefort

This video gives you time-saving tips on how to use Zefort’s powerful search feature.

Video transcription

Hello. In this video, we'll look at the search function within Zefort.

Let's start with looking at the free text search at the top here.

If we start by making a search for term.

You'll notice that we get 261 search results,

and Zefort has highlighted both the word term

and also any versions of the word or words that are similar.

You can stop this from happening by using brackets.

Like so.

This free text search covers all text

that's associated with contracts.

That means the actual contract text,

as well as emails and files attached to the contract,

as well as any notes and metadata.

Or indeed alarms or tasks that may be a signed contract.

Zefort also includes logical operators so we can search for

term AND saas.

In which case we get 5 results.

Or we can use OR

in which case we get 262 results.

If we want to exclude saas entirely, we can add a minus sign.

And we get 256 results.

Now, if we don't want to search all text data within a contract,

we can also click on the plus side here to the left.

Open this and click on basic queries.

This allows us to search within the title,

within contract parties,

emails attached to the contracts,

tags and notes.

So if we go ahead and search in the title, we can search for contract.

And we get 132 results.

Queries can also be combined with other search forms.

So if we want to search for a contract with

a contract in the title

and the word term in the contract,

we can do so.

And now we get 123 results.

Let's go ahead and clear search now.

And head over to the right corner where we have filters,

which can be opened by clicking on this button.

Or by using this button here.

Now we have basic metadata based filters here,

as well as some additional filters here.

If your subscription includes custom metadata,

then you will find this metadata button in between.

Which will include filters based on the custom metadata fields you have.

Filters can be used to search within ranges.

So let's look at contracts that have already ended.

So where the end date is before this date.

And we get 23 results.

We can also combine filters if we wish to.

And we can also search contracts that don't include a certain metadata field

by clicking here.

So right now, I want to exclude end date.

So now I can see all contracts that haven't got a set end date,

of which there are 279.

But I'm going to switch this back on.

There we go.

And set it to the 4.11. which is today.

And I can also search for

contracts with a signature date before last Monday, for example.

So they can be combined.

You can also use the other search functions in parallel to filters.

So let's search for term.

There we go. We have 19 results.

Now, if we want to save this search that we've created,

we can go up here to this button in the search button.

Click on the dropdown menu and click

"save current search".

And we'll name it Custom Search Max.

We'll set it to public.

We could also make it private,

in which case it's only for us, but we'll keep it public,

which means that everyone else can see it as well.

And we click on "save",

and that search is now saved as a ready template.

There are a few extra templates here.

Now, if we want to download this search result with these 19 results,

we can go ahead to these three dots over here

and click "download results".

This means that an Excel file will be created in the background

and we'll get a notification when it's done.

We'll then be able to download it.

And we'll move over to that now.

So now we're in the Excel file that we just downloaded from Zefort.

In this first view, we have contracts.

It's worth noting that there are several views.

In this first view, we have each contract listed,

as well as metadata fields

in which we can only have one variable.

So for example,

you can only have one effective date,

one end date,

one signature date.

So we'll have all of those collected in this this section.

We also have direct links to the actual contracts.

This will open the contract in Zefort

if you have the required user access.

We tied documents to contracts using this contract ID,

so if we open that the documents page,

you'll notice that there are three documents here

that are all part of one contract.

And the contract key is the same.

These different pages include information of the contracts

where we can have an infinite number of variables.

So for example, activities,

we can have an unlimited amount of activities per contract,

so they all have their own page.

This Excel file is built in such a way or structured in such a way

that it's very easy to transport it

to business intelligence tools.

And it can also be entirely automated.

So if you want to, you can use APIs

to automatically generate this Excel file.

For example, once a day from any search that you want.

Or you can just leave the search blank, in which case it'll be

every contract that you have the right to access.

And you can then transport them to

your business intelligence tool of choice.

Let's head back to Zefort now.

There are a few more things to point out.

Let's just clear search.

If we want to delete the saved search that we saved earlier,

we can go here.

Custom Search Max.

Click on that and remove.

That's now been deleted for everybody.

Also when we make search as term.

Our choices will be shown at the top here,

like so.

Clear search and now reset to default.

Also, there's one more way to search for contracts.

If you click on a contract card,

or hover your cursor over a contract card and go to similar.

And click on that.

You'll be able to search by similarity.

So if you have a large number of contracts

that are very similar, use a standard template.

And you can use this to go all the way up to look at how similar,

how many contracts there are

that match that contract by a certain percentage.

And that was search within Zefort.