Account Settings

You can change various default settings in your account settings, such as contract metadata fields or reminders, and manage integrations with other systems.

Check also article Account settings overview (admin).

Video transcription

Ok, so now I’ve signed into Zefort,


which you can do at,


unless of course, your organization uses single sign on,


in which case you’ll be going through that.


I’ve signed in with my demo account,


and we’re going to look at account settings.


Now these will be visible to the main administrator


and any administrators that have been given


the access rights by the main administrator.


And you can find them in the top right corner under the dropdown menu


and you can find account settings.


Let’s go there.


Now, this is a section that many users won’t need to visit.


Lots of our clients have never been to account settings,


but it’s good to understand what your options are so that,


you know what you can do with with the accounts.


And you know how to gain the full potential out of your subscription.


So you’ll see there are eight tabs.


This is a maximum number.


Your subscription may include slightly fewer than that,


but eight is the maximum.


The first page or the first tab is your current subscription.


This contains useful information about your subscription,


features, contracts, how many you’ve used, what your limit is.


And your user situation, how many you have remaining


and what what your total is.


If you want to change something on this page,


please contact the person that sold you Zefort


or contact


So moving on to the organization tab.


You will see that there’s legal entities list.


We recommend adding any legal entities


that are associated with your subscription to this list.


The list is used to determine contract parties roles,


so my organization vs. counterparty.


When the ai finds the party in the contract,


it will check it against this list.


If the party is found on the list,


it will then automatically be set to my organization.


And if not,


the role of the organization will be send to counterparty.


You can also set your own organization.


You can choose any one of these of legal entities.


This organization will always be added as a proposed party


to an uploaded contract,


whether the AI finds it from the contract or not.


You also have the default search


so you can set a default search tool for all users


who haven’t set their personal default search.


So anyone without their own default search


will see this search that you set here.


You can also allow access to audit logs


for editors or viewers and editors.


And down here you can set the default


for new users in terms of access rights.


So you’ll set the default here.


When you create a new user, these access rights will be applied automatically.


And you can then change those on a user by user basis.


Moving on to appearance the appearance tab.


There are two things that you can configure here.


Number one is the contract card,


where you can set what metadata fields are displayed on the card.


So when you look at a card in the in the contracts view,


you’ll notice that we have the title of the contract.


We have the owner of the contract


and we have the add date for it.


So you can actually configure these in this section


and decide what you want to see on the contract card.


If your organization has a custom logo option,


you can then configure that here.


Select your own logo.


Next we have contract metadata.


In this section you can control the metadata


that’s attached to your contracts.


Metadata of course is shown in this section.


And in this tab you can control


what metadata is shown in what order.


And if you have custom metadata enabled,


you can also add your own metadata fields.


You can also delete metadata fields


or set any one of these fields as mandatory.


You can also add a minimum number of required parties


and also a minimum number of required binders.


I’m not going to go into this in depth


because we have a very good four minute video


in the How-to -section on the top right.


Which will explain contract metadata layouts and attributes in detail.


The next tab is reminders.


In this section you can control the default reminders


that will be created when you add a task to a contract.


So when you add a task to a contract,


it’ll create a sequence of reminders.


You can delete reminders.


You can add reminders.


You can change the times of the reminders.


And you can also reset changes and revert to default.


In the Security tab


we have a few little extra security options.


Number one, you can disable sending contracts and attachments into Zefort by email,


if you wish to.


You can also set certain email addresses and domains as allowed email addresses.


Automatically all email addresses and domains are recognized,


but if you set certain ones as allowed email addresses or domains,


then after that you will need to list


all of the email addresses and domains here.


You can also restrict IP access.


You can IP white list.


So you can, for example,


disallow signing into Zefort from any other IP address


than ones associated with your company.


You can also set session lifetime yourself if you wish to.


Now the integration section is constantly changing


because we are adding new partnerships all the time and new integrations.


But if you’ve purchased an integration


to go with your Zefort subscription.


Or for example you have SSO enabled in your subscription.


Then all those integrations can be managed and connected from here.


And finally,


if you have API keys as part of your subscription,


they will appear here.


So when you start working on your project,


you can pick up the API keys here.


And that has been Zefort account settings.