SHIFT archives contracts directly from email

SHIFT was looking for an easy solution for storing and searching contracts. Now they can save contracts directly from email and all contract details are easily available in the cloud.

SHIFT is a non-profit organization that organizes the annual SHIFT Business Festival event and runs monthly SHIFT Investor Network events. SHIFT’s mission is to encourage companies in using new technology in a responsible manner.

Each year, SHIFT makes hundreds of partner agreements, volunteer agreements and other cooperation agreements. The organization needed a safe place for storing all of these different contracts.

SHIFT wanted the new service to allow discovering specific contracts and their content as quickly as possible. In addition, adding new contracts and monitoring contract period changes had to be easy and effortless.

Adding new contracts with simple email forwarding

Zefort’s basic features include simple contract archival, where a new contract can be added to the service easily by emailing the document to a dedicated address. This feature proved to be essential for SHIFT.

”We heavily use email for communication and signed contracts are usually delivered as email attachments. In this case, it’s extremely easy to just forward the email thread to Zefort,” – Niclas Juslin, SHIFT

After the contract has been added to Zefort’s service, it is instantly available for all required persons through a secure cloud service. Users can use the web-based service to browse all contracts or to find a specific contract by using a google-like search engine.

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