Contract toolbar

Contract toolbar offers many useful functions to assist you in working with the contract. Discover more about the functionalities in the table below to fully leverage their capabilities!

zefort - contract toolbar


Contract toolbar functions

zefort preview toolbar - hide


Hide toolbar
zefort - show toolbar Show Show hidden toolbar
zefort preview toolbar - menu Menu Open functions menu:

zefort - download as textDownload as ZIP – downloads all contract documents as ZIP file


zefort sign this documentSign contract’s main document – starts signature process with the main document


zefort - unarchiveArchive / unarchive contractzefort - archive file


Access – shows all users that have access to the contractzefort - access to contract


View similar contracts – opens a search on contract desktop


zefort - copy contract URLCopy contract URL to clipboard


Move contract to trash zefort - delete file

zefort preview toolbar - favorite Favorite Set the contract as your favorite.

Pro tip: on contract desktop you can use search filter to find your favorites!

zefort preview toolbar - review


The contract is not reviewed, click Review button to set status as reviewed
zefort toolbar - not reviewed Not reviewed The contract is reviewed, click the Not reviewed to set status as not reviewed
zefort preview toolbar - change log Change log Open contract’s change log

This functionality is available for users that have permission to access contract’s audit log.

zefort preview toolbar - fullscreen Full screen Expand the window to full screen
zefort - exit full screen Exit fullscreen Exit the full screen mode
zefort preview toolbar - preview Preview Switch between big and normal contract preview

Pro tip: double-click on a blank area of the contract to open the it in big screen. Double-click again to return to the normal view.

zefort preview toolbar - browse Browse Navigate through document pages
zefort preview toolbar - chatgpt ChatGPT* Open ChatGPT tool
zefort preview toolbar - insights Insights* Open Insights tool
zefort preview toolbar - notes Notes Add document notes
zefort preview toolbar - zoom in ou Zoom Zoom in and out in the contract preview
zefort preview toolbar - download Download Download the document currently displayed in the contract preview
zefort preview toolbar - search within document Search Perform a search across all contract documents
* add-on feature