Contract files and emails

Access all contract documents and emails by navigating to the Files & Emails tab in the contract view.

Within Files you can view existing documents, add new files to the contract, manage the file properties, and organise them into folders.

In the Emails section you can create an email inbox for the contract and view the emails that were sent in contract’s inbox.

zefort - files and emails tab


In the Files tab you can view and manage all the documents which are part of the contract.zefort - file list








Attach new files to contract

You can add new attachments to contract from your computer

  1. Click Select files… and choose the files from your computer
  2. Click Upload files to complete

zefort - attach files to contract

Or, just drag and drop the attachments to contract!

zefort drag new file to contract


Hidden files

Contract owner and admin with the permission “Can manage all contracts and binders” can hide contract documents.

  1. Open the menu ••of selected file
  2. Click “Hide this document…”
    • Document will be hidden from the file list
    • Users with permission to access the contract will not see the hidden documents
  3. To see the hidden files, toggle on the switch “Show hidden” (visible to contract owner and admin with permission “Can manage all contracts and binders”)
    zefort show hidden files



Archived files

Editor and admin users with editing rights can archive contract files.

  1. Open the menu ••of selected file
  2. Click “Archive”
    • Document will be hidden from the file list.
    • Users with permission to access the contract can still see the archived documents
  3. To view the archived documents, toggle the switch “Show archived” ( visible to all users with access to the contract)
    zefort show archived files

Sorting files

  • Manual sorting: Click the sorting icon first, then drag the files into the desired order zefort sorting icon
  • Ascending sorting: Click on the header line text (Name, Uploaded or Status) to sort files in ascending order

zefort - sort file list

Edit file properties

To manage and edit contract files, open the menu ••• of the selected document.

zefort sign this document Sign document… Start signature process for the selected document.
zefort - set as main contract document Set as main contract document…


zefort - change document type to otherChange document type to other…


zefort - change document type to other Change document type to attachment…

Change the file type to main / attachment / other.

zefort file type - main

zefort file type - attachment

zefort file type - other

zefort - hide this document Hide this document…


zefort - hide fileUnhide this document…

Hide / unhide the document.

Only contract owner or admin with “can manage all contracts and binders” can perform this action. When hidden, the file is not visible to other users.

zefort - download file Download… Download the selected file to your computer in its original format.
zefort - download file Download as text… Download the text content of the file as .txt file.
zefort - rename file Rename Rename the selected file.

Pro tip: you can also rename by simply clicking the name of the file!

zefort - detach file Detach… Detach the selected file from the contract and create it as a new, separate contract in Zefort.
zefort - archive file Archive


zefort - unarchiveUnarchive

Archive / unarchive the file.

File is not permanently removed, just hidden from the file list. All users with access to the contract can see the archived files by clicking “Show archived”

zefort - move file Move… Move the file to a folder.
zefort - delete fileDelete


Delete the file.

Note: main document can’t be deleted.


Organizing files with folders

You can manage the contracts also by creating an inner folder structure and placing the contract files within folders.

zefort - create and edit folder


Create a new folder
  1. Click + add folder
  2. Enter the name of the folder
  3. Hit save button
Add new file(s) 
to a folder
  1. Open the folder where you want to add a file
  2. Click Select files… and choose file(s) from your computer
  3. Hit Upload files to complete the process
Move an existing file
to a folder
  1. Open the file’s menu ••• and click “Move…”
  2. Choose the correct folder
  3. Click Move
Rename folder
  1. Open folder’s menu ••• and click Edit folder…
  2. Type the new name
  3. Click Save
Move folder
  1. Open the folder’s menu ••• and select Move…
  2. Choose the new location
  3. Click Move
Delete folder
  1. Open folder’s menu ••• and select Delete…
  2. Click Delete to confirm


zefort emails tab

You can generate an inbox address for a contract, allowing you to send messages and attachments directly to the contract via email. Learn more about attaching email to a contract.

zefort - allow this contract to receive emails Toggle the switch to generate an email inbox for the contract.

Toggle off to delete the contract’s inbox.

zefort copy icon Click to copy email address to your clipboard.
Reset email address (if needed).


Email messages sent to the contract’s inbox are listed in the Emails tab. Files attached to the email are added in the Files tab.

zefort email attachment buttonYou will see the email attachment icon if the file was sent by email.
Click it to preview the original message.